BuildableExpressions.Generator enables build-time C# source code file generation via a configurable MSBuild task. It works within Visual Studio or from dotnet build, and supports SDK and non-SDK projects.

To install from NuGet, use:

PM> Install-Package AgileObjects.BuildableExpressions.Generator -Pre

NuGet version

How it Works

To generate source code files, add the AgileObjects.BuildableExpressions.Generator NuGet package to a project, then add a class which implements the AgileObjects.BuildableExpressions.ISourceCodeExpressionBuilder interface:

interface ISourceCodeExpressionBuilder
    IEnumerable<SourceCodeExpression> Build(IExpressionBuildContext context);

When the project is built:

  1. Types implementing ISourceCodeExpressionBuilder are discovered in the build output

  2. An instance of each ISourceCodeExpressionBuilder type is created and its .Build() method is called

  3. Any SourceCodeExpressions returned from .Build() method calls are converted to C# source-code strings

  4. Any C# source-code strings are written to files in the target project

  5. If any source code files are generated, the target project is built again, to include the generated types.
    This second build skips steps 1-4.


  • Each SourceCodeExpression returned from an ISourceCodeExpressionBuilder.Build() method is given its own source code file, named after the first type added to the source code. If multiple types are added to the same SourceCodeExpression, the generated source code file will contain them all.


These simple examples generate a set of Greeter C# source code files from a set of newline-separated names in a names.txt file in the build output. Each Greeter implements the following IGreeter interface:

namespace Greetings
    public interface IGreeter
        string Greet();

String -> SourceCode -> File

To create Greeter SourceCodeExpressions and files from C# source-code strings, use:

public class GreeterGenerator : ISourceCodeExpressionBuilder
    public IEnumerable<SourceCodeExpression> Build(
        IExpressionBuildContext context)
        // Get the path to the names.txt file:
        var namesFilePath = Path.Combine(

        // Read the file into a string collection:
        var namesInFile = File.ReadAllLines(namesFilePath);

        // For each name in the file, create a [Name]Greeter SourceCodeExpression:
        foreach (var nameInFile in namesInFile)
            // Get a valid class name:
            var className = nameInFile.Replace(" ", "").Trim() + "Greeter";

            var sourceCodeCSharp = $@"
using Greetings;

public class {className} : IGreeter
    public string Greet()
        return ""{nameInFile}"";
            yield return BuildableExpression.SourceCode(sourceCodeCSharp);

Expression -> SourceCode -> File

To create Greeter SourceCodeExpressions and files from an Expression, use:

public class GreeterGenerator : ISourceCodeExpressionBuilder
    public IEnumerable<SourceCodeExpression> Build(
        IExpressionBuildContext context)
        // Get the path to the names.txt file:
        var namesFilePath = Path.Combine(

        // Read the file into a string collection:
        var namesInFile = File.ReadAllLines(namesFilePath);

        // For each name in the file, create a [Name]Greeter SourceCodeExpression:
        foreach (var nameInFile in namesInFile)
            // Get a valid class name:
            var className = nameInFile.Replace(" ", "").Trim() + "Greeter";

            // Build a SourceCodeExpression using the API:
            yield return BuildableExpression.SourceCode(sc =>
                // Define the [Name]Greeter class:
                sc.AddClass(className, cls =>
                    // Implement the IGreeter interface:
                    cls.SetImplements<IGreeter>(impl =>
                        // Implement the .Greet() method:
                            body: Expression.Constant(nameInFile));

More on the SourceCodeExpression API can be found here.

More on source code generation samples can be found here.