Generic parameters can be added to classes, structs, interfaces and methods.

To add a generic parameter to a type, use:

BuildableExpression.SourceCode(sc =>
    // Add a class:
    sc.AddClass("ValueWrapper", cls =>
        // Add a generic type parameter:
        var genericParam = cls

        // Add a public get-set Value property with 
        // the generic type parameter as its type:
        cls.AddProperty("Value", genericParam);

Type Constraints

To add type constraints to a generic parameter, use:

BuildableExpression.SourceCode(sc =>
    // Add a struct:
    sc.AddStruct("ValueWrapper", str =>
        // Add a constrained generic type parameter:
        str.AddGenericParameter("TConstrained", gp =>
            // Set constraint options:

            // Add type contraints:
            gp.AddTypeConstraints(typeof(MyClass), typeof(MyOtherClass));

Closing Generic Parameters

To close an open generic parameter to a generic argument, use:

BuildableExpression.SourceCode(sc =>
    // Add a class to implement IDictionary<TKey, TValue>:
    sc.AddClass("StringKeyedDictionary", cls =>
        // Add a TValue generic parameter - this will be 
        // used for IDictionary<,>'s TValue parameter:

        // Implement IDictionary<,>:
        cls.SetImplements(typeof(IDictionary<,>), impl =>
            // Close the TKey generic parameter to string: